“Às vezes é mais fácil ter menos possibilidades do que ter possibilidades ilimitadas.” — Mark Boal
…sometimes it’s easier to have fewer possibilities than unlimited possibilities.
…sometimes it’s easier to have fewer possibilities than unlimited possibilities.
See that’s the trick, you have to disguise the fun as work to get to the fun. ScriptShadow, acerca de “Tickets”, um guião de John… Ler mais »“See that’s the trick, you have to disguise the fun as work to get to the fun.” — ScriptShadow, acerca de “Tickets”, um guião de John Hugues
Life goes by pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it. Ferris Bueller, em “Ferris Bueller’s… Ler mais »“Life goes by pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.” — Ferris Bueller, em “Ferris Bueller’s day off”
Sempre acreditei que era preciso agarrar o leitor o mais depressa possível e nunca mais o largar; tive sempre medo de perder a audiência. Ernest… Ler mais »“Sempre acreditei que era preciso agarrar o leitor o mais depressa possível e nunca mais o largar; tive sempre medo de perder a audiência.” — Ernest Lehman, citado em “Ecrire un scénario” de Michel Chion
[como guionista] Estás sempre à procura de: “o que é que eu posso fazer que seja simultaneamente inesperado e recompensador?” – John August, em entrevista à Making Of
O povo completo será aquele que tiver reunido no seu máximo todas as qualidades e todos os defeitos. Coragem, Portugueses, só vos faltam as qualidades. — Almada Negreiros
“One of the easiest things in the world is not to write. If it were easy, everyone would do it.” William Goldman “You can only… Ler mais »“One of the easiest things in the world is not to write. If it were easy, everyone would do it.” — William Goldman “You can only write, ‘Somebody wants something, something else is in their way of getting it.’” — Aaron Sorkin “There is such a tendency to overwrite today. There needs to be an economy of words. And that’s what I learned over time — the economy of words.” — Shane Salerno