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“One of the easiest things in the world is not to write. If it were easy, everyone would do it.” — William Goldman “You can only write, ‘Somebody wants something, something else is in their way of getting it.'” — Aaron Sorkin “There is such a tendency to overwrite today. There needs to be an economy of words. And that’s what I learned over time — the economy of words.” — Shane Salerno

    1. “One of the easiest things in the world is not to write. If it were easy, everyone would do it.” William Goldman
    2. “You can only write, ‘Somebody wants something, something else is in their way of getting it.'” Aaron Sorkin
    3. “There is such a tendency to overwrite today. There needs to be an economy of words. And that’s what I learned over time — the economy of words.” Shane Salerno, in an interview with Screenwriter’s Voice

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