UPDATE: Os preços destes livros foram reduzidos em média 50%. Se já era um bom negócio, agora ficou ainda melhor.
Um amigo meu tem 35 livros de guionismo para vender, por preços muito favoráveis. Foram comprados através da Amazon ou directamente nos Estados Unidos e a maior parte deles nunca foi lido sequer.
Destes eu tenho mais de metade na minha colecção pessoal, por isso posso testemunhar da qualidade da sua selecção. Cinco deles estão, inclusive, na minha short list.
Quem estiver interessado em qualquer destes livros pode contactá-lo directamente. Se quiser todos, ou um número significativo deles, pode negociar um desconto de volume.
Paulo Mesquita
Tlm: 968694345
Mail: cybermices@hotmail.com
- The First Five Pages Noah Lukeman €10
- Elements of Style for Screenwriters Paul Argentini €10
- The Elements of Screenwriting Irwin R. Blacker €10
- The Tools of Screenwriting David Howard and Edward Mabley €10
- Creating Unforgettable Characters Linda Seger €10
- Comedy Writing Step by Step Gene Perret €10
- 500 Ways To Beat The Hollywood Script Reader Jennifer Lerch €10
- Plot Ansen Dibbel €10
- How to Write a Selling Screenplay Christopher Keane €10
- Writing Dialogue Tom Chiarella €10
- Characters and Viewpoint Orson Scott Card €10
- How not to Write a Screenplay Denny Martin Flinn €10
- The Screenwriter’s Bible David Trotter €15
- The Writer’s Guide to Character Traits Linda N. Edelstein Ph.D. €15
- Dynamic Characters Nancy Kress €15
- Writing Great Screenplays for Film and TV Dona Cooper €10
- How to Write a Movie in 21 Days Viki King €10
- Making a Good Writer Great – A Creativity Notebook for Screenwriters Linda Seger €10
- Making a Good Script Great Linda Seger €10
- Animation Scriptwriting Marilyn Webber €15
- Comedy Writing Secrets Melvin Helitzer €10
- Conflict, Action and Suspense William Noble €10
- Beginnings, Middles and Ends Nancy Kress €10
- Secrets of Screenplay Structure Linda J. Cowgill €10
- The Comic Toolbox John Vorhaus €10
- Writing Television Sitcoms Evan S. Smith €10
- Comedy Writing Jenny Roche €10
- Writing Television Comedy Jerry Rannow €10
- The Comedy Bible Judy Carter €10
- The complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Your Romance Published – Julie Beard €10
Vendo todos por €250
Já vendidos:
- The Screenwriter´s Problem Solver Syd Field VENDIDO
- Four screenplays Syd Field VENDIDO
- The Screenwriter’s Workbook Syd Field VENDIDO
- The Foundations of Screenwriting Syd Field VENDIDO
- Story – Award Winning Methods From Hollywood’s Master of The Craft Robert McKee VENDIDO